
Hawaii! - Two Memorable moments

 Erik and I took an incredible trip to Hawaii in January of 2020. Erik met with the Honolulu Fire Department for school and I enjoyed the beach during the day. We spent the evenings together and stayed a couple of extra days to do some sight seeing. I don't know if I will ever be able to write all I want to about it, but here are some pictures from a couple of memorable moments.

We were there over Erik's birthday. On his birthday we attempted to snorkel on our own. We bought masks and breather things at WalMart and went to a place Erik had read about that has warm water from a cooling tower of a power plant. We got there around 4 PM. The sun sets around 5 or so. It turns out the warm water is several yards, maybe even 1/2 mile off shore and I chickened out. I was nervous that we'd drown. The water was kind of choppy. I felt a little foolish. So we just stayed closer to shore. Erik and I both cut our legs on the coral. It turns out just wading in isn't a good idea when the ocean floor is studded with hard coral rocks. After comparing injuries and wiping up the blood, we ventured in one more time. We did some some cool fish and we even saw a seal! The seal almost came right up to shore. So even though we didn't get to see all the cool fish we had ever dreamed of seeing, we still had fun kind of snorkeling together in Hawaii on Erik's birthday!

My second memorable moment was hiking right before heading to the air port. We hiked Manoa Falls, and we knew it would be muddy. It had rained daily, though not too intensely. There was a cool waterfall at the top. Our feet got super muddy and we waited in a long line afterwards to get clean enough to feel like we could reasonably get on our 8 hour flight home afterwards! When we finished, we got dinner at Itchy Butt, which was actually a really good fried chicken bowl and Erik bought me a giant legitimate Hawaiian shaved ice! The original flavors he picked were all yellow, so the guy who was making it suggested a few other colors so that our shaved ice didn't look like pee ice.
My Chacos maiden voyage...I had just gotten them for Christmas!

The scenery was unreal and so beautiful!

We had a really nice time. It was nice not to have to worry about 4 kids and their needs the entire time. They were in good hands with Nana and Papa. It was super relaxing and a much needed rejuvenation. I now think every couple needs to get away for at least a 2 night stay periodically - yearly? quarterly? weekly? :)

I will also say, though Hawaii was really beautiful, it was just nice to have a break and be with Erik without anything truly pressing on our plates. I would be content with stateside, even Texas getaways in the future. I just think it is so nice to have a break!

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Sounds fun! I'm glad you got to Treat. Yo. Self. Treat yo self two thousand twenty! Glad you didn't swim in the heating pool. Otherwise you would have had to worry about cutting your third leg on the coral as well :D