
Farming on a New Level

 We added a new species to our animal farm today.


I just kind of chuckle inside when I think about it; that feeling of giddy joy that kind of starts under your chest and moves up to your cheeks and makes you smile. It's not because I love worms, but I love the enthusiasm of those who have lead us to have worms. 

Brother B, our fishing mentor, is a little appalled by our usage of hot dogs as fish bait. He has brought us several cups of worms. They kind of usually just die in the fridge. On Sunday he told me that we needed to get them a good home so they could grow and reproduce and we would have a good supply of worms for all of our fishing attempts. He brought them by on Monday and today we did a little research and put them up in carbon rich hotels...inside of our fridge. Luckily we have two fridges and they can live in the other fridge.

I think it also makes me giggle because I'm spending my days out in the pasture watching all the little calves running around and hoping and praying with all of my heart that they are nursing and getting enough to eat, but I also now have a little colony of  worms to hope and pray they thrive as well. 

The farm live; the homesteader's dream is romanticized. I don't think there is any way to really know and understand what you are getting into when you choose to live in the country until you get there. I did not plan on living on a farm when I grew up. I don't think I even really planned living on a farm 3 years ago.

I remember the first time we visited the property we are on now. We came out to see the animals for Joel's birthday because he loved sheep and farms. We spoke with the owner who became a dear friend and I just marveled at all that she did for her animals. I could not fathom doing any of that myself. Sure, living on property sounded kind of dreamy - so much nature, but caring for animals, not me!

Circa 2021

And here I am, on the same property 3 years later watching her cows mother their babies, learning to identify them all by their udders, and trying to understand what makes a calf healthy and what is cause for concern. I trim goats hooves, keep the chickens vents clear, and see snakes on my porch. No big deal. But it is a big deal! It is becoming a part of me and it is beautiful.

Having the calves hit the ground in the last week and a half has caused a lot of worry and stress. I feel overwhelmed and inadequate, but I am learning. Encouraging notes from Rebecca that remind me that this experience is for my learning and growth are helpful. I feel strengthened. I have been reminded that we felt sure about moving here and that we can do all things with the inspiration and guidance of the spirit. I have also needed the reminder of my hopes of living on this wide open space. I hoped to be outside, with my family, close to the earth, learning and growing. This is a beautiful place with gorgeous skies and green fields. It is hard. I am a newbie (evidenced every time I ask an employee at Tractor Supply for something as well as all the conversations with Rebecca). But I am having good experiences, enjoying the world Heavenly Father created for us and witnessing His hand through beauty and tender mercies.

Also, I still have kids. We had a flood last week and one of our "chicks" got into the water and had a hard time roosting again. Alyssa thought she was dead and then she blinked! Alyssa scooped her up and Alyssa and Taft spent an hour blow drying her. The things we do for animals around here....

More cute kids...

Evan used the bathroom while I was outside...watching cows...and "needed" me to wipe his bum. I never came so he fell asleep in front of the toilet.

Alyssa makes cookies most Sundays. She often includes her brothers. They are so cute together!

The things we do for cows...

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