
The Tragedy of Imperfections

I want to update our blog, but then I look through my pictures and realize that I don't have very many or they are on Erik's phone or due to our computer epidemic, they are not readily available and so then I don't update. The post stays the same for the next month though life has gone on and many memories have been made.

Thus, the tragedy of imperfection - or the perceived imperfection. My blog is not the blog of the century. It is not perfectly formatted with perfect pictures, inspiring commentary, and delightfully articulated stories. And that imperfection keeps me from putting myself out there. It keeps me from remembering what the Lord has done for my family or the funny times we have had or even the struggles we face. And that is a tragedy. I hope the angels are keeping records for me, but in the meantime I will work harder to keep the records myself.

At the kitchen sink this afternoon I realized that I am not writing this blog for you. I am writing it for Alyssa and Emily and Erik when they are 85 and want to remember the good ol' days. This is family history at its finest.

The thing is that this tragedy can follow us in every aspect of our lives. It can prevent us from doing a multitude of wonderful things because at the root of our imperfections is the ugly comparison monster. We shall not get better if we don't try and try we must, my friends!

So overcome the tragedy. Let your imperfections show and let those feelings of comparisons and judgments that are probably not even being formulated be annihilated. You'll feel better and accomplish more, I am sure of it.

1 comment:

Linda Stone said...

This is a powerful thought! :)