
CLAIRE!!! (the beginning days)

Claire is here! Alyssa has kept her quite busy playing scrabble for the last 3 days. Any down time we have at home is spent lining up the scrabble letters on the board. Alyssa loves to put things in order and this is no exception! She keeps telling us to make sure we put them in the right direction and there can be not spaces between any of the tiles.

We have been doing other fun things as well. Alyssa was really excited to have Claire come. On Thursday she said, "A 'tar is coming!" I said, "A star is coming? What is that?" "Claire! Claire is a 'tar!"

We have gone to church, explored the military park including the garden, the Illinois monument and the USS Cairo. We have received a number of mosquito bites. We watched the movie at the visitor's center at the military park and learned that the South surrendered at the Battle of Vicksburg.

We spent today in downtown Vicksburg visiting the Army Corps boat museum, building our own river, going to library story time, playing in Catfish Row fountains, visiting the Coca-Cola museum, eating ice cream and going to a quaint bookstore downtown.

We are so glad Claire is visiting! It is wonderful to have her here and I feel especially blessed that Alyssa has such a wonderful role model to look up to!

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