
A Small Fry with OCD

Now that I have that Christmas stuff out of the way, I can write about what is REALLY going on!

I ran my first official 10K this month. It was the Run Thru History. I ran through the Vicksburg National Military Park that is the greatest outdoor feature of this town. I ran the whole time and was faster than I had hoped, though I was probably the last runner for the 10K to make it to the finish line. Ya know, 291 place. But a 12:33 minute mile. I have room to improve. I hope to run it every year!

We also went to the Mardi Gras parade in town. It was interesting. We were facing the sun so we couldn't always see when the beads were flying towards our faces. Alyssa made a haul, and now has many purple, gold, and green necklaces!

The other day I went into Alyssa's room after she had woken up. The night before she had organized her books like so:

Hence, I have a small fry in our home who has OCD. She will read books every night in bed until 10 PM. I am not sure what to do about it, but she is happy enough during the day and she is content flipping through the pages. I'm just nervous for when she actually starts reading the words.

After making Erik's lunch one morning I left the cookies sitting on the counter. I saw Alyssa snitch one. She then went to the pantry and sat down and ate it. She was quite frightened when I caught her - you know, the little jump that comes when a kid is "caught". It was pretty funny, though.

If you were wondering, she is not potty trained. I do not know what to do with this girl. I can't not bug her because she has a bladder like a champ. This girl can hold it FOREVER so when she does go, and it is not in the toilet, it is a disaster. Please, never introduce potty training until your child takes off his or her diaper and declares she is going to use the potty. Trust me. It is awfully frustrating. 

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oh my! The picture of Alyssa's organization of her books made me laugh!!! The apple didn't fall far from the tree-I think we're all a little OCD! It's so fun to read your blog!