
Little Blessings

My family came to visit this weekend! We had fun going to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. Did you know they have bathrooms on top of the dam? They may or may not have been used during our time there. We played hide and go seek in the dark on Saturday night which was good good fun! It was fun to have everyone over! It was like a giant slumber party every night with the living room floor filled with air mattresses. It's a good thing we don't have very much furniture! 

We blessed also had Alyssa's baby blessing this weekend. She wore the dress the Claire and I wore when we were blessed. She is a beautiful baby and we are so happy to have her in our home.

Alyssa has also started to do some fun things. She kind of liked her binky when she was first born but has since let us know that is not her preference. This week she found her thumb while taking a nap. She continues to find it over and over. I'm not excited about breaking the habit in 3 years but for now it helps her to sleep and comforts her. Besides, she is so so so cute with her little thumb in her mouth! It's amazing how much babies can learn, even when they are only 2 months old.

We went the 2 month check up yesterday. She's a growin' baby! She weighs 12 lbs 12 oz and is 23.5 inches long. She has started smiling a lot, but doesn't do it very often for the camera. She is a joy to have in our home! We love our little Lyssa!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a cute baby! I felt so bad we didn't get to see her yet. Becca sucked her thumb too and it was so nice--she was my best sleeper because she could just find that thumb any time. She's not too happy now about what it did to her teeth though. I'm glad you are enjoying her. They grow up so fast!