
Adventures and Nerd-dom

Last Friday the City of North Las Vegas had a movie in the park. Seeing a need to get out of the house after sitting at home and contemplating moving all day, we, the young Archibald family, ventured out. The park was south of Cheyenne (uh oh) but the event proved to be not too bad. (I still would not live there, but for 2 hours it was ok). We watched Hogi Yogi...I mean, Yogi Bear. It was REALLY cheesy. The love story wasn't quite fleshed out, the bad guy was overly and obnoxiously bad (come on, give up on the window thing) but Yogi's little food references made it all right. Alyssa slept most of the time. We made her a little hut out of blankets to keep her out of the wind.

Our next adventure happened on Saturday. Fed up with the heat in this stinkin' valley called "the meadows" in Spanish (those Spaniards...what were they thinking?!) we ventured to Mt. Charleston, the only mount with snow still on its peak. It was beautiful up there! We went on a nice hike to Fletcher Canyon. Alyssa, again, slept pretty much the entire time. Unfortunately she and Erik sweated on each other and it gave her a bit of a heat rash, but she's getting better....I think. 


On Sunday we had a lovely tomato cream pasta from my new favorite website. (Click here for the recipe.) Dinner discussion then turned to the difference between gas and vapor. Our meal lent itself well to becoming a phase diagram. I just wanted to share what a family of nerds we are. (Most things are really vapor, not gas just in case you were wondering...and there is a difference.)

Alyssa is still growing and as cute as ever! We're lovin' her lots and lots and she's got us all tied up in knots. She loves the piano...probably will start playing at age 3 months and she thinks President Monson's biography is boring. She's still a little young to appreciate a good book! She does love her picture books, particularly "We Are in a Book" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear."

Love the feet!

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