
Update: Kent

Kent is a little firecracker. He is vivacious, active and attentive to what is going on. He likes to be a part of the scene if more than one person is involved in anything. He catches on quickly to family activities, family chores, and anything that poses a potential benefit or reward. It makes him kind of messy and at times, confrontational, but he seems to enjoy all that he does!

He was more than happy to be a part of the painting afternoon this week. He had more paint on his body than on his paper. He had even dabbed his lips once with the dabber making them look very red right in the center!

Kent also has a funny assortment of his daily favorite he likes to take to bed with him. It usually involves his favorite car from the day. I don't know if they are very snuggly, but he doesn't seem to mind! He also loves having books in his bed. He lines them all up along one side, tucked in between the matress and the pack n play. When he is stalling to go to sleep, he pulls out book after book to be read to him while he stands attentively in his crib. His favorite is good night moon and he says, "ssshhhh" the whole time because of the "quiet old lady whispering hush".

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