
By the grace of Taft

Alyssa was having a difficult night. We asked her to sweep the floor but she ignored us and continued to read a book, so we took the book away. This sent her into a furry. Emotions were high. After several minutes of frustration and unrest, Taft, who felt very concerned that Alyssa did not have her book, asked Erik if he could sweep the floor for Alyssa so she could have her book back. Erik said Taft could sweep the floor and Erik would give the book to Taft.

"And then I can give it to Alyssa?" Taft asked with big smile on his face.

"Yes, Taft," said Erik. 

Taft then turned to Alyssa and said, "I will sweep the floor for you and then I will give you your book!" And he did. Taft swept the floor and obtained the book which he gave to Alyssa.

I saw from this interchange how Christ feels about us and how his grace works for us. He is not tangled up in any of our sins, yet He sees we need help to obtain desired blessings. He, purely out of love for us and love for Heavenly Father, asks if He can sweep our floor, cleaning up messes we have made so that we can have our blessings. This is grace. And all we really have to do is accept His offer to do the work for us.

I don't know if Taft or Alyssa will ever remember this night. In someways I hope they don't because of the tension and the anger that was felt. But I hope we can remember the beautiful lesson that Taft taught us as we obtain and maintain our testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ and His grace.

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