
Christmas Time

Mom came to visit for a week after Taft was born. I cannot say enough how wonderful it was to have her here! Her help during that time was invaluable! She did the laundry, cooked, played with Alyssa again and again, held Taft, talked to me, and maintained a general atmosphere of sanity for us during that first week home! 

While Grandma was here we made gingerbread. I attempted a sled. I burned the pieces to it horribly, which made it so brittle that one side shattered when it was accidentally dropped! I attempted to put it all together again and even decorated, but by the time we were all done, it was a lump of burned sugar goo on a plate, so I threw it away!


Christmas celebrations started early this year! We set up our tree before Thanksgiving. I was ok with this because I knew once Taft was born, it would not be as easy to be on top of Christmas festivities. Alyssa was very excited to put up the tree and all the decorations we had! She particularly loved getting out the nativity "activity" sets. We played "activity" over and over again. Eventually the story included a crazy camel who wanted to act as the angel or Joseph! On Christmas night we reenacted the show ourselves! We even had our own Baby Jesus actor!

Christmas was a beautiful day. Alyssa was so excited for Santa to come! Despite her enthusiasm, she slept until 8:30 AM! Santa brought Alyssa a watch and some books. He was a little messy and left ashy foot prints on the floor in front of the fireplace!

Giving and opening gifts was the highlight of the day for Alyssa. She had wrapped random things from around the house for Erik and I. The Tooth Fairy and Sugar Daddy brought us Captain Crunch and Life (sugary cereals)! We played games and enjoyed a nice, relaxing day at home! 

It was incredibly warm the few days around Christmas. The day after Christmas I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and we went for a walk! Only in Mississippi!! 

Erik took the week after Christmas off and we drove to Dallas to visit the Archibalds! While in Dallas we went shopping, visited a train exhibit, ate a Neiman Marcus cookie - that's about the only thing affordable in the store unless you feel like $900 for jeans is in your price range, watched Shrek in the hot tub, went for walks, did one of those dancing Wii games, played games, went to Dave and Buster's with James and Camille, went to Bass Pro Shop where shooting took place, and had an overall pleasant time! It was fun to get away and spend good time with family. I am thankful for the time and attention our families give Alyssa. Doug and Maria were stars and playing "activity" with her and participating in other Alyssa-esc activities.

Yay for Christmas time, family time, and all that jazz!

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