

Good womenfolk friends are essential. Seriously. And my heart feels much gratitude for all the women in my life! There are women who live nearby who make living so far from family so much more bearable and there are the womenfolk who live far, far away but not quite in Judea's plains. I love them too and I am so grateful that technology brings us so close.

This is a small (and not comprehensive) tribute to my womenfolk friends who I have pictures of, because I want to post the pictures :) 

I said farewell to Leslie. She makes my soul smile. I think of her laugh and her enthusiasm and her realness and her lovely aura, and I just can't help but feeling happy. 

Lauren came for a visit to see myself and Sarah. College friends and beyond are what last, and that is for reals! I will always know Lauren and Sarah longer than I have known Erik. (I know that will make Lauren feel good.) Even though I will always have lived with Erik longer! haha We had a fun time around Delaware and in Philly! Alyssa even tagged along for the girl's day out! It is such a blessing to know them!


It is already September. It is chilly in the evening and pleasant during the day. Mmmm. The Mid-Atlantic fall times are lovely! As I ran this morning I noticed the leaves that have fallen to the ground, brown and crunchy. It's a good time of year.

[My Google+ profile scares me. I have no idea what I have "uploaded" to it, but I fear it is more than I intended.]

We have begun Attempt 1 at potty training. I am not sinking my teeth into this being the only attempt because I feel that is how life goes when you are doing things like potty training bright minded, slightly obstinate two-year-olds. I am realizing the potty training combined with a nice cold bug that is floating around my house is making me feel a bit, shall we say, cabin fever-esque! And so though I thought I would read a book this afternoon, I am instead writing. Writing, writing, writing! And pictures! I love pictures and I am finding more and more of them everyday!

Attempt 1 is going quite stunningly. She does not wake up wet from naps or bed-time. And we have had only one accident yesterday and today each in big girl underwear! I'm learning things everyday. Like, if you catch her right when it is happening, don't pull down her underwear without putting her in the bathtub first. And all those cloth diaper burp rags? I think they will make excellent puddle clean up kits combined with my Lysol in a bottle!

We still have not had number 2 success. The next couple of days will tell that. And all in all, I really want her to be trained at the end of this, not me. So we'll give it a couple of weeks with the old college try and go from there!

One of Alyssa's favorite games right now is to have Erik and I pretend to sleep. When she wants us to wake up she says "oink, oink". Last night Erik was feeling a bit tired and under the weather so this was the perfect way for them to play together. Alyssa got everyone blankets and pillows dictated exactly how we should play. After awhile she told Erik to "come get me". Erik discovered if he waited about ten seconds Alyssa would charge him and he therefore had fulfilled his duty to "come get me" without ever moving from his spot on the floor.

Isn't she cute in her little undies?