
I read blogs and think maybe I should quit my day job and become a blogger. I could read people's book reviews and never have to pick up a book. I can get my daily dose of tongue and cheek from "seriously so blessed." I can realize that my life is average every day with a little high school reality check from MLIA. It could be really fun. But, seriously, as I read blogs I start to self talk in blog format. Who will read the blog? No one, surely. But this is the way the world thinks that they are being social. Social networking! Yay! I can talk all I want on a webpage and people know me and I so totally know them! Woo hoo! Really? Ha. Here I am. Doing it to. I should have just written in my journal.
Try a Google and Yahoo war. Type in the beginning of a question like "what to do if" and see which search engine gives you the better answer. I'm pretty sure that you will like Google's. I do.
What else is going on? Well I'm crocheting these days. I'm on square five in a lovely reddish color that is called goldfish. Here is my question. How do they get goldfish die? Do they...oh let's see...collect the goldfish that are swimming around...or rather floating belly up in the sewer system, skin them and make them into a stew that becomes a die for my yarn? Oh yeah! I find myself being a little sarcastic on things like this blog page...but ya know. Continuing on...
I'm becoming crafty. Sometimes I am crafty in baking other times I am crafty with yarn. Sometimes I like paper. I went to the Cotton Shop with Mom. Oh the patterns on the fabric there are just my favorite! I wish I had a million dollars and million minutes to make something cute with every single pattern in there! Yep yep. But I don't. That's why I do not buy stuff there. Ope! Neighbors are vacuuming above me. I hope I don't get sucked into their swirling vortex.

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

haha... This was funny to read :)