
Dodge Ball Friday

I got a card once that said something to the effect that "Some days are like playing dodge ball...you are pinned up against a wall with no where to go." That was today...Dodge Ball Friday. The short story is we tried to change our spark plug in our car which was successful after about 7 hours and getting a socket extension wedged under the air intake manifold. The spark plug, however successfully installed, did not fix our problem. BOOO BOOO BOOO (Princess Bride anyone?)

This picture basically sums up my day with the popcorn paralleling more than just the mess in the kitchen.

Luckily Alyssa is cute despite car failures. She was a Halloween Cat + Pumpkin today!

Yesterday she was a picnic lunch...

And she does smile for the camera now :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day but glad it is better now! Alyssa looks ADORABLE in these pics. i stopped and cooed at her today after church while eric was talking to someone else, i hope that wasn't creepy lol.she's just so cute!!